
July 31, 2009

and kaili, if you see this. thanks for being the only one who reads this.

you’re amazing.
even if i don’t talk to you frequently enough for you to realize how much ily.

what’s a promise?
legally, there’s a whole lot of mumbo jumbo about suing and not suing someone.

but realistically?
something people just say to get someone off their back?
“i PROMISE i’ll clean my room in 5 minutes.”
something people mention to create a false sense of security?
“i PROMISE we’ll be friends forever.”
“i PROMISE i’ll come out of the surgical theatre alive even-though-this-is-evasive-brain-surgery-we’re-talking-about.”

but promises are human words. sometimes they can be about as meaningless as the people who make them.

just cause someone says something, doesn’t mean they actually mean it.

there’s not that big of a difference between breaking a promise and lying.
you say something, it doesn’t happen.
different beginnings, same outcome.

a broken promise just sounds less evil than a lie.

but you know, whatever.
i learnt a long time ago to just take things as they come.
one day after another, one foot at a time.

and oh yeah, i PROMISE not to hate everyone who’s broken a promise.